June 27, 2014

52 Photo Project

26/52 Description of Photo Description of Photo Description of Photo
Usually when I post photos for the 52 project I choose my favorite from the week, or the one that best represents that week for each child. THIS week however, I decided I'd share what a day at the beach with these 3 is like...
Zandros: He was completely in his element. Running free, jumping in waves, drawing in the sand, searching for crab & oyster shells. There's no better place for him than the beach.
Solla: This little one, OH BOY, this child...She is a challenge at the beach. She starting walking towards the water and I figured she would feel how cold it was and stay at the shore or come back up to the blanket for a snack. NOPE. She kept walking in! Deeper and deeper, falling down, choking on salt water and still charging out into the sea. SHE'S CRAZY. Luckily as the day went on she found some treasures (including this stick) and she was more than happy to wander alone on the sand clutching them. (I wish I could say I had no idea where she got this walking into the water without stopping behavior but I have the photos to prove I was EXACTLY the same at her age. So much so that my poor mother could no longer take me to the beach. SORRY MOM.)
Winter: This little angel is a DREAM beach baby. She was happy to sit on the blanket & watch her siblings. She snacked and every so carefully dabbed her face with a napkin. Never have I met such a refined babe. She is so careful in her movements, setting her food back on her plate gently, using a fork, gingerly climbing down from things. Definitely cut from a different cloth than her wild and crazy brother and sister.

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