November 13, 2014

Life Lately: Chilly Mornings

Courtney Life Lately Courtney Life Lately Courtney Life Lately Courtney Life Lately Courtney Life LatelyNate and I are making an effort to be healthier this season, because let's face it: basketball games, holidays, cold weather, Gilmore Girls on Netflix (ok, that one's just me!), etc. all make us want to stay snuggled up inside from now until April. But that isn't healthy for our bodies OR our minds, so we're pushing ourselves to pretend it's Summer all year long! For us that means waking up at 6am and getting outside before work, lots of green veggies and protein, and exchanging sugary sweets for healthy fats (which help curb those cravings- a little bit of ghee, anyone?)

Our neighborhood is so beautiful early in the morning, so this is definitely a perk and helps motivate me to get out of bed. Not to mention that we've convinced ourselves that coffee is forever it's hard to go back to sleep when a delicious cup is awaiting my cold hands! Is anyone else preparing to stay healthy and happy this winter? Any tips for this summer-loving household? xx Courtney

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