In a few shorts weeks I am heading off SOLO to Germany! It's insane. I am semi freaking out about leaving the littles but I'm trying to just stay in the moment and be excited for a little mama break. Sometimes it's so nice to just be SAM, no one to feed, or change, or help for a just a few days. Don't get me wrong- I love being a mother more than anything in the world and there is nowhere I would rather be than with my family. Balance is so important and as you can imagine I haven't had much time to myself in the past year. I find, like many mamas, that I am a much more calm and patient mother when I have had some time to take care of myself. So while traveling, I am going to soak up every drop of silence, of calm, of ME time and try not to worry and count the minutes until my babes are crawling all over me again. That being said-here is a little list of my carry on travel essentials! I like to always have some healthy snacks on me, moisturizers, VOGUE, obviously, some wool socks and a scarf tucked in my bag incase the flight is cold...etc. This isn't including my camera, chargers, breast pump...because seriously this list would be pages long! Anyone have any suggestions on places to go, things to eat, shops to visit in Germany? I am staying in Karlsruhe and so far the places on my list to visit are Heidelberg & Strasbourg, France.
2.Mojo bar
3.Luna bar
5.Burts bees lip balm
7.Argan Milk
13.Smartwool Socks
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