July 14, 2014

Life Lately

Description of Photo Description of Photo Description of Photo Description of Photo Description of Photo Description of Photo Description of Photo Summer is in full swing and we couldn't be happier. We got chickens a few weeks back and they are definitely the center of Z's universe right now. He is all about helping let them out, gathering eggs, catching them when they're wandering too close to the road...etc. Slowly he is asking for more and more responsibility, letting the dogs out, feeding them, changing his sisters. It's crazy to watch him grow and become his own little person. We are spending as much time as possible outside, while simultaneously stripping wallpaper, painting, rearranging and organizing! Sometimes it seems like I am swimming against a VERY strong current when trying to organize with these kids trailing behind me. It's like I take one step forward and 15 steps back. Trying to donate old toys is ABSURD and invokes a massive breakdown from Zandros. He claims to want to give them to kids who don't have much, but he can't seem to part with anything. We have to do most of the weeding out under the cloak of darkness which feels a little sneaky and a bit like he'll be telling his therapist about it in 15 years. Hopefully I am not alone on this? Mamas- you do the same right? TOO MANY TOYS. I mean, they HAVE to go right? AHH the mom guilt. The girls are running around, both OBSESSED with shoes, screaming frantically if their moccasins fall off. I never knew such little beings could have such love affairs with jewelry, bags, treasures & clothes so early. I think I may be in HUGE trouble in a few years. Hope you are all soaking up every lovely day! Happy Summer loves!!

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