January 29, 2015

Life Lately

Courtney Life Lately Courtney Life Lately Courtney Life Lately Courtney Life Lately Courtney Life Lately Courtney Life Lately Courtney Life LatelyLife has been cold and snowy lately! The storm on Tuesday was WILD. It's so beautiful though, and it's exactly how I remember winter from my childhood. Nate and I had to clear the driveway a couple of times and it was such a surprise to have the snow go ALL THE WAY UP TO MY WAIST. But this is New England in the winter...we're only going to get more! My sister and my niece, Drea, are getting ready to move and are staying with us until their new apartment is ready. This has been a blast for so many reasons but the top two are 1) Camille makes the best cupcakes and has been making them rather frequently, and 2) Drea is SUCH a joy. She's the funniest child I've ever met- constantly laughing, eating, and being a goofball. The snow has made the light in our tiny apartment unbelievably gorgeous, so I took some photos of her before I made the bed. See that smile?? It's the greatest. I hope you've all been staying warm and cozy! xx Courtney

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